Origins | Noble Chats

Hello everyone,

It’s the first of the Noble Chats! I’ve run into some issues already 😦 I should’ve checked this before, but WordPress doesn’t allow users to upload MP3 files because of safety, so I’m going to link out my audio clip through Clyp. Please let me know if it doesn’t work for you and I’ll try to make amends.

Thank you,


PS. I forgot to credit my friend who helped me think of the name, Noble Chats! Thanks friend! 🙂

Introduction | Noble Chats

Hello everyone!

I hope all is well with you! I’ve decided to start a new series, but instead of it being writing, it’s going to be an audio series about writing! I’ll be talking about my personal writing journey, struggles and successes as well as giving you writing tips and advice! Let me know if you have any suggestions!

I thought since my blog has started to gravitate more towards writing, having the scheduled Bible Studies would be irrelevant. You’ll still be able to find them on my blog, but I will no longer be updating them. This doesn’t mean I’m giving up on my faith since I’m still a Christian. This blog is just going to more focus towards my writing progress and becoming my portfolio.

Noble Chats will debut at 5pm EST today!

Stay tuned!
