About Me

Face 2:3:19

I am the writer, the poet, and the storyteller.
With a tippity-tap of my fingers,
I unleash my scribble scrabbles of my mind
onto this blog that has seen my transformation from a high schooler
to a professional in pursuit of my dreams and possibilities.

Drawing inspiration from the poet wonder Emily Dickinson
and the story teller, Edgar Allan Poe, who shares my birthday (just by 187 years),
I hope to spark wonder, challenge morality, and search for an evolving identity.
But I gaze upon tree tops, glittering stars, and the rumbling train tracks
for an organic touch upon the chaotic world.

Sometimes I tell you about my life – full of laughter,
kendo, and music. Sometimes I tell you about challenges
and disappointments that the world is going through
in hoping to shed light on the issues that need resolving.

Adjectives upon nouns, upon oxford commas and metaphors –
a good writer dances with the colors of the words,
just like my vivid imagery and striking themes.
Be prepared for themes of depression, anxiety, and helplessness –
something that I will not hide from
because we are not alone.

Come along with me on this journey
and watch me grow as a writer and a person.




Contact: aliceningning@gmail.com

Support my writing on Ko-Fi!

2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Pingback: Welcome to Perpetual Ponderings of Alice Chen! | Perpetual Ponderings of Alice Chen

  2. Love the violin.Paganini’s caprice no 24 in A minor melts my mind every time but for actually being able to play i’ll stick to “Campbell’s Farewell to Red castle” reel. excellent blog, keep on writing.

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